Freelance Projects

In my freelance design projects, I delivered customized UX solutions across diverse industries. I focused on user-centered design principles to enhance usability and aesthetic appeal, ensuring each project met the specific needs and goals of the clients while providing seamless and engaging user experiences.

Two people cycling

komoot cycling mapping app

The team needed some localized feedback on their cycling routes and usefulness for the Utah area. I did UX research and design to make improvements.

Humane Society kittens

Humane Society of Utah

Users indicated a need for more information and resources to help them successfully provide a healthy and nurturing environment for their adopted pet after they arrive at home.

Arches National Park

Sierra Club of Utah website

The Utah chapter of the Sierra Club's website buries and minimizes these primary calls to action, especially on mobile. Their website needs to bring these key elements forward and make them obvious for mobile.